Co-founder - Reviewer
From Paris, France
When I saw my first movies, I immediately realized how creative cinema is. My friends will tell you, I always had a great imagination thanks to the movies I saw. I like cinema because I think it is the perfect place to share emotions and experience your own. It is a perfect balance between your imagination and others’, & an amazing way to escape while helping better understand the world.
But as Batman going out his cave, most of all , I like to share this creativity and enthousiasm ( I’ve grown up with #Batman #TheAnime, #TimBurton versions and the last from #ChristopherNolan, this reference might not be the last).
Vice-President of the charity, I find the energy in its projects as they demonstrate how great things passionate people can accomplish. Since I will always learn from movies and the people who are making them, Movie guide Me is an incredible opportunity to share and express my passion for movies.
Indeed, I’m a binge movie and TV-show watcher. When I leave the theater with the very obsessing idea that I have to get absolutely the original soundtrack of the film I’ve just seen, it means I really loved it! I have my specific soundtracks playists and now I am able to distinguish after few minutes if the orginal soundtrack has been composed by #HansZimmer.
To enjoy a movie, it has to be technical, with a great musical theme, a story a bit complex and imagination. All gathers, plus a slight of funkyness, humor, and impulse. I base my analysis on these criterions and watch out, I can easily go into crazy concept and go to the fifth dimension (#Interstellar #ChristopherNolanFan)!
But they are the criterions that built Movie Guide Me #DudeChick concept.
Movie lover, I also live my passion through my job. In France & abroad, I had the occasion to work in film Marketing in distribution companies. With this double-hatted approach, I watch movies with the fresh eye of a fan but I’m also aware of the market goals and challenges in the industry.
Furthermore, since I’ve lived some time in the US, I’m obviously influenced by Hollywood movies and indies’. Consequently, I use this both Franco-American vision to bridge these 2 big country of cinema.
This is mostly the reason why Movie Guide Me is a charity which welcomes international members with an English and French web site.
I like to think this website an exchange platform of ideas, trends and opinions dedicated to movie enthousiastics. Working now in Digital Marketing, this strong concept makes complete sense for me. Curious, I like look out perceptible digital trends and vivid topics. I can spend hours on the App Store looking for the next app that will change my everyday life. Besides, I now only buy e-ticket for theaters and I found out a very specific app to schedule a movie and invite all my friends. And when I’m not connected to social networks, I play tennis (#NovakIfYouReadMe!), run, enjoy tasty food with friends, partying and also singing in a unbridled way #OneRepublic “Counting Stars”…
Movie enthousiast, professionnal and curious, this is how I get involved and run Movie Guide Me projects.
#HansZimmer #Marketing #DontDisturbIAMInBatmansCave #LosAngeles #TheWho #Curious #MovieBinge #ChristopherNolan #NovakDjokovicIsMyHero #PositiveAttitude #GrandeMocha
Laura’s favorite movies
Abonnez-vous au tableau Laura’s DVD Library de Movie Guide Me sur Pinterest.
photo credit: aurelie tournois