From Paris, France
I work in the financial sector (no relation to the Wolf of Wall Street), I’ve never watched an episode of Game of Thrones, I often confuse Star Wars with Star Trek, I don’t understand movies from David Lynch and the Lord of the Rings sounds to me more like a Russian gymnast than a heroic fantasy trilogy.
So what am I doing here?
The real question is “Why have I spent all those years without doing what I really love?”
As strange as it may sound, I actually really love the movie industry. I first asked for subscriptions to Premiere and Cine Live, two famous french movie magazines, on my 13th birthday in order to read the reviews of the movies I couldn’t see. I then went to work after school for a movie rental company because reading about movies wasn’t enough. I’ve seen twice as many B movies as I’ve seen masterpieces but I remain convinced that there is always something to take away from each viewing. And yet, I never thought of writing a review, even if the movie moved me, or even wooed me. And thus, I hereby decide by the powers vested in me to change things and bring a bit of #dudechick into my life.
I don’t really like Science Fiction. Yet my favourite movies are Back to the Future and the Dark Knight. Incoherence? Not at all, because I find these movies to be anchored in reality. I firmly believe that on the 15th of October 2015, Marty will drive in on his DeLorean and that Batman also looks over Paris. Interstellar will take the third place as soon as the thrills going up and down my spine will cease and that I will understand what just happened.
I’m a big fan of French movies but a harsh critic of their comedies. La Cite de la Peur and Mission Cleopatre shaped my sense of humor. I worship Alain Chabat and not only on Friday nights. I never miss a movie by Audiard or Gondry, I have a particular affinity for Klapisch and I always enjoy a Toledano and Nakache movie. I am also still waiting for the person who will explain to me why Desplechin and Honore make me want to stare at a blank wall rather than sit in front of the silver screen.
I am a huge fan of US comedies. I live by Teen movies (I always dreamed of becoming a professional footballer,if I couldn’t make it to the NFL, becoming a cheerleader would suffice). I also consume tons of Thrillers and Independent movies.
My first kid will be named Nolan after Christopher and Jonathan, Spielberg has a free pass with me since I saw E.T. and Scorsese, Mann, Fincher, Eastwood, Zemeckis, Baumbach and Zach Braff can ask me to be the unpaid intern of their shoe polisher.
In reality, my tastes are very eclectic. I won’t complain as long as you put me in a dark room, far away from the popcorn eaters, the 7 foot giants, or the obnoxious cell-phone users. Now you know what NOT to do next time we go to the movies together! In the meantime, I’ll try to help you walk down you own red carpet. Or not.
#badjoke #Nolanisagreatname #futureislandsineverysoundtracksplease #malecheerleader #blockbustervideoisnotdead