From Halifax, Canada
Writing a biography is difficult. Where do I start? With my love of cats? That fact that I am a professional student and refuse to leave school? With a movie blog, I guess the natural place to start is with my love of movies. At age four I was given a VHS copy of 101 Dalmatians for Christmas and spent the day watching and rewatching Pongo and Perdita rescue their litter as well as all the other puppies from the evil grasp of Cruella De Vil. I didn’t know at four that that movie was doing exactly what movies should and giving me a suspension of disbelief. For an hour and a half dogs could take to each other and scary, rich ladies would make clothing out of anything. Too bad that clothing part is true. I believe that any movie you enjoy will always continue to do that.
As the youngest child of a large family I ended up watching a lot of movies from the 80’s and love the classics, Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, Pretty in Pink, Say Anything, The Goonies, The Lost Boys, and Gremlins just to name a few. I find that there are always ones I haven’t experiences and always love when I get to find a new one to watch. Embarrassingly enough I only watched E.T in 2013 at a Spielberg film festival.
As a Canadian I take a lot of pride in watching movies that are acted in, written by, directed by, or made about Canada. I can name off every Ryan Gosling or Ryan Reynolds movie without even having to think. If you give me a Canadian stereotype I can list a movie to go with it, just try it!
Canadians love hockey-Goon
Canada is too big-One Week
English Canadians and French Canadians argue with each other too much-Bon Cop, Bad Cop
Canadians love beer and talk funny- Strange Brew
I hope you have found this biography useful to start off with and have immediately Googled these movies. And if you’re wondering I do watch movies with my cats.
#isitthe80syet #theryansaremyhomeboys #thismoviehasnotcats #lemmereadthebookfirst #letswatchitagain