Ant-Man from Peyton Reed

Ant-Man from Peyton Reed
July 10, 2015 Priscilla Ruffe

There is the new Marvel blockbuster which, after the spider, decided to deals with the ant, tiniest but equally impressive!

After the spider-man, here’s the Ant-man! It still deals about insect but the heros are really different!

Let’s be honest right away: this movie won’t help you if you are afraid of ants. Moreover, it’s in 3D so you’re gonna see them! It is however completely useless in my opinion. High definition is the best option than 3D. That being said the photography manages to remain really nice even if there’s 3D involved! That is thanks to the director of photography Russell Carpenter that received an Oscar for his work on Titanic.

Like most superheroes (perhaps not for Tony Stark!) the story is about someone who is struggling to fit in society. In this case, Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) is an ex-prisoner whose troubles start when he steals a strange costume (the Ant-Man’s costume) in the house of Hank Pym (Michael Douglas), a rich scientist. He gets involved in a mad adventure where he will face a mad scientist (Corey Stoll) eager to know the technological secrets of Ant-Man.

I didn’t quite picture Paul Rudd in a superhero role because I didn’t he would be credible in this role. But he managed to embody the complex character of ant-man, and the lost father that just got out of jail after taken 3 years for robbery.

Fortunately, you don’t have to stand the chapter of the damsel in distress who needs to be saved by the hero. But instead, you see a complicated father-daughter relationship like in the scene where Michael Douglas’ character explains to his daughter how his wife died. You could almost see written in golden letters: “This is the moment where you should cry” A Wonderful moment interrupted by a not very subtle humour…

Well, it is safe to say that t the film doesn’t lack of humour. It tries to loosen an atmosphere that is already not serious. I laughed at times, this is the proof that it worked, especially with the team of losers that Scott has to deal with. The screenplay was actually written partly by the great Edgar Wright, director of “Shaun of the dead” & “Hot Fuzz” (that was supposed to direct the movie but quit because of “feud” with the production…) and partly by Paul Rudd!

The photography is well done, the music is not too bawling, it’s a pleasure to watch but you should not expect any depth in this film.

Anyway, there is another superhero movie to add to the Marvel collection for which you can, of course, expect a sequel.

Like all Marvel movies, stay to very end of the credits to see a bonus scene.

Actors Performance




Final Note

Is it #DudeChick certified ?

The film make you feel good. it’s pretty funny ! We love super heroes with a great sense of humor in Starlord kind of way!

#Dudechick, what’s that ? 

Watch the trailer

Britishness & SuperHero Insects Movies Expert. #BAFTA #Potterhead

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