300 Rise of an Empire directed by Noam Murro

300 Rise of an Empire directed by Noam Murro
March 13, 2014 Laura Kressmann
Starting from the fact that I would have put a 3/5 grade for the first of the 300 saga with Leonidas king fight, you quickly get to the conclusion that this one is not as good. However, there are still some aspects which were quite entertaining for a 1h40 movie and made me enjoy the experience.
First, let’s raise up the weakest element that I disliked or more precisely disappointed me regarding the first one. Compared to 300, the story is much more strewed over different places, characters and so the storyline felt not that strong. At the first place it was the very focused story of 300 Spartans fighting for freedom and justice ideals in an already lost combat. Here, you can find the same urge to fight even though, it seems hopeless following this time around the Greek general Themistocles and his navy. But before you get into a fight, the heart of the movie, you have to and need to refresh your memory and follow through characters’ introducing with a narrative voice-over to explain all the issues, the challenges and the glory of this war time. Indeed, this movie is focused on what happened when Leonidas was actually fighting so it’s kinda a combo between «previously, meanwhile and up next in the following episode ». A paraquel that could be confusing or, I’m not afraid to say, could end up « to much speaking » and lighten the drama intensity; when you see a fight which took place 10 years ago with the main character, you have no doubt he will survive…
Nonetheless, this mixup space and time layers in the movie is rather well done considering the difficulty to bring all the issues together. I guess, this is the challenge and the syndrome of a sandwich movie which belongs to a trilogy.
Then, I am not an anti-3D effect, but in this movie, it bothers me in most of the scenes. I guess, it makes sense to use 3D in those kind of movies as it accentuates the experience, but I think you lose the spirit of the first opus and the origin of the concept. As a matter of fact, what I was admirative of 300, was the respect of the orignal concept comic drawn by Frank Miller. With very over-done camera positioning, the panoramic and the over-use of slow motion, you could actually reconnect with the sensations you could have reading the comic. Reconnect with this fight and violence aesthetic. You had plenty of time to contemplate (as for men as women) the Spartan fight art (and brutality) like you were turning back and forth the pages. In this one, thanks to 3D, you quickly get into a memorable fight, realistic like you were in a video game, but to be honest, you don’t get a clue of what is going on. The movements are twitchy, fast and over the place, almost hidden from the camera. Raining, at night 3D set is the perfect scenario to hide imperfections and massive post-production adjustments. Too bad, one coud have liked to watch the super trained main actor and the fruit of his month long labour…
Again, not all the 3D is problematic. Even though, close fights are not so impressing, the vessels, under the sea, and panoramic view of Athens burning are just stunning.
So what would make this movie special? Themistocles is definitely less charismatic than Leonidas (Gerard Butler) as for his pack. Indeed, there are many unknown faces compared to Michael Fassbender or David Wenham. You don’t have a real epic end since it’s an open window for the third opus.
However, two things must be pointed out. On one hand, when the movie doesn’t show so many hand-to-hand fights, you can enjoy tactical battles between the Greek and the Perse vessels. It is like « Battleship » in the Antique time! And it might not be so easy to make it entertaining on the screen.
On the other, one actress stands out although she was the one I was the most scared of after watching the trailer few months ago. Eva Green, is just as crazy as good, playing Artemisia, a psychopath commander. To be honest, it might be the role that fits her the best since she is over expressive with her face, eyes, and attitude. Not sure though she could actually play something else…
To conclude, it is a mixed fortunes movie that does the job; using 300 nostalgia but isn’t as good as expected in order to make you want to watch the last upcoming opus.

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Expert in Badass movies & GOOD blockbusters. Mainstream but not cheap #Oscars


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